PRGE 2024 And All Its Glory

PRGE 2024 And All Its Glory

PRGE 2024 And All Its Glory

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Greetings yet again fellow Creatures!

So we’ve been pretty busy as of late and forgot to make an official announcement on the website covering some important things, so I figured I would hop to it and finally make the post.

Here we go!

Circus Interstellar Arcade Vinyl Unleashed!

After a year of hype, its finally here!

As most of you already know, a couple months back we finally finished and released the CI arcade vinyl artwork for the iiRcade and Arcade1up for free download.

Those of you who would like to have an official CI cab made can now do so by heading over to the channel “ci-arcade-vinyl” in the Ettinsoft Discord and downloading the artwork of your choosing.

You can then take that art to your preferred website for creating custom arcade vinyl’s (we went to Escape Pod for most of it).

If you have any questions about the process, we laid out all the information for you in that channel.

You can also feel free to message either SnicketyLemon (Matt) or RoastedZerg (Stephan) in the Discord, if you have any further questions.

“ci-arcade-vinyl” discord channel link:

We are so stoked to get this out to you all, and we really hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Another Awesome booth at PRGE 2024!

Thats right! We were at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo again!

This year we showed off the new and improved final version of Circus Interstellar on both our custom arcade cab and the Atari VCS. People really seemed to enjoy the new CI, swarming both the Atari and cab throughout the event!

We were very excited to hear all of the positive feedback from expo goers, super awesome! 🙂

We also had a few new goodies we were selling that expo goers got first hands on!

First was the new “Life’s a Circus” t-shirt!

Show off your love for murderous clowns by sporting this shirt of a very sinister looking Mad Slasher searching for his next victim!

People seemed to like this shirt a ton at the Expo, so as soon as we can afford it, we will be ordering more and putting them on our online Square shop.

Second was the new and improved CI physical copy!

Unlike the previous physical copy of CI that we made by hand, this time we were able to afford to have a high-quality box and manual made professionally, providing a sleeker look and feel.

We still have some of these in stock after the event, so we will be putting it up on the online shop soon!

The box set includes an awesome new black CI USB flash drive that comes with the game and bonus content, a better manual, a Jugularnaut die cut sticker, as well as a physical Planetary Resource Importation Corporation P.R.I.C pin!

However, due to the cost of the box and manual, this box set will most likely be a Limited Edition and will not be available anymore once we sell out of them. We’ll let you all know if we end up making any more boxes for CI in the future.

BTW did I mention that freaking StepsGaming was there??

That blew our minds out of the park, she’s so awesome.

She even bought a CI box set from us! So epic.

For those who may be interested in checking out sweet arcade/classic gaming content, definitely check out StepsGaming!

Here’s a link to her youtube channel: StepsGaming – YouTube

Also, speaking of video games, the number of games we picked up from the event was absolutely absurd!

From PS1 to OG Xbox and Atari, we were able to find many a childhood favorite.

My favorite find was a copy of Soul Reaver 2 on the PS2, such a gem of a game.

The amount of time I will be wasting on the new games we got is going to be grotesquely outrageous lol

We also were able to meet up with some friends and spent some good times with them during the whole event!

After setting up the booth, which they volunteered to help us with, we swung by McMenamins to share in some drinks, splurging about video games and catching up on whatever’s been going on in each other’s lives in the process.

During the convention, my friend Joey and I went around looking for good deals and games we were looking to pick up.

It should be said for the record, that Joey is a wizard of negotiating prices lol many a game we grabbed was brought down in price, all thanks to Joeys quick wit in talking the price down.

Thanks again for that Joey, you fucking rock!

It was so great finally being able to link up with our friends and we can’t wait to see them again!

Here’s a bunch of photos we took of PRGE this year, such good memories. 😊

Meeting Legends

Possibly the greatest highlight of the entire Expo, was meeting some of the legends of gaming!

This year was a lucky one for PRGE, as several people we really wanted to meet were attending, such as Paul Eiding, the cast for the original Resident Evil opening video: Charlie Kraslavsky (Chris), Greg Smith (Barry), Eric Pirius (Wesker), the creator of the Mortal Kombat 1 arcade cab dragon logo Paul Niemeyer, and the Atari genius Howard Scott Warshaw!

We really hit it off with the RE guys, from talking about the short film that Charlie was working on called “The Keeper’s Diary”, to Greg telling us about an awesome trip he just took riding his bike around Florida! Those dudes are such cool guys. 100% recommend meeting them if you can.

Here’s a link to “The Keeper’s Diary” short film, if you’re a Resident Evil fan, it’s a must watch: THE KEEPER’S DIARY: A BIOHAZARD STORY || RESIDENT EVIL FAN FILM

We also found ourselves having awesome conversations with Paul Eiding! Nothing was cooler than practically hearing Roy Campbell himself (from Metal Gear Solid) discuss music with us, did you know he’s a Metal Head?? Totally sweet! 😆

We were also able to speak with Paul Niemeyer (creator of the original Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet dragon logo) again! It was really great catching up with him for the third year in a row.

While I was over there, we were visited by the sweetest lama to ever grace this world, which was a pleasant surprise! I’ve never touched a lama before, so that was totally awesome!

As for Howard Scott Warshaw, all we could think the whole time was: WE ARE NOT WORTHY!!

It was so cool to talk with him about his book and DVD documentary “Once upon Atari” as well as getting him to sign a mint copy of the greatest game to ever exist: E.T. !

I’m sure he enjoyed that, we certainly did. 😆

Unfortunately, we had to rush back to the booth to help out, so we didn’t get to see Howard for very long, which was a shame.

But it was totally worth it anyway.

All in all, everyone we met at the expo were super swell, can’t wait to see some of them again next year! 😊

CI is coming to Xbox!

What was that noise?

Thats the sound of DREAMS COMING TRUE BABY~!

The Jacks out of the box, we’re porting Circus Interstellar to the Xbox One and the Series S/X!

Now that PRGE is over, Stephan will begin porting CI right away while I will begin work on our new game Cyber Dread.

We aren’t entirely certain when the port will be finished, but we’re shooting for some time in late November…ideally…depends on how easy or difficult it is to port to Xbox.

A first for everything!

Many of you were asking us if we were going to be porting to the Xbox, so it feels pretty awesome to finally be able to say YES!

We’ll keep you guys posted. 😉

That’s all for this update, we’re excited for what lies in store for us with our newest game Cyber Dread, which we will be sharing with all of you as soon as we are further along.

Thanks again to all you fellow Creatures and your continued support! 😊

-Matthew and Stephan Hanewinckel; Co-owners of Ettinsoft LLC

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We hope to see more of you creatures in the discord. 🙂


Two twin brothers making the video games of their dreams!

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